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Refunds & Returns Policy

Order cancellation

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within 12 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.


Your satisfaction is our #1 priority. Therefore, you can request a refund or reshipment for ordered products and the return request must meet the following conditions :

  • All watches and straps come with a 3 days inspection period policy. In the case of shipping, the period begins when the parcel is signed for. In the case of delivery in person, the time period begins when the watch is collected by you
  • A refund or return request on any watch beyond your 3 days inspection period will not be attended. All items shall be at the risk of the customer from the date of delivery of the goods
  • To be eligible for return or exchange, all watches must be sent back to us within the first 15 days following the receipt of the watch. You can do it by sending a message on Contact Us page
  • Watch in original working condition with no accidental damage caused by you.
  • No scratches on the watch case, glass or watch strap due to usage.
  • No resizing, or altering of bracelet.
  • Once you return the watch, you can opt for either a refund of the purchase price or an exchange with another watch with the price difference topped up or refunded. We will issue a refund within 7 working days of receipt of the return package.
  • if you received a defective item, which is damaged in transit or not working on arrival, it is still eligible for return. Please contact us immediately on Contact Us page.
  • Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. We are not responsible for lost or damaged packages
  • If you use TimeChainFad’s gift certificate to pay for all or part of an item you want to return, that part of our refund will be credited to your account for use on a future purchase

Refunds will only be considered once goods are safely in the possession of TimeChainFad and going through a full inspection has taken place as well. Once your refund is approved, then your refund will be processed and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment within 7 working days.

Please do not send your purchase back to us unless we authorise you to do so.

We do not issue the refund if:

  • your order does not arrive due to factors within your control (e.g. providing the wrong shipping address)
  • your order does not arrive due to exceptional circumstances outside our control (e.g. not cleared by customs, delayed by a natural disaster).
  • Missing order. In the case that a package is delivered (based on tracking number update) but you did not receive the item, you must submit a claim to the shipping carrier directly. 

How will my refund be issued?
Refunds will be issued via PayPal or Braintree payment service depending on your selected payment method for the purchase. If you have paid using a credit card via PayPal or Braintree, the refund will go to your credit card account.

Packing & Sending Your Return

You can pack and send your return item to us with the following simple steps:

  1. Email at to inform us of the order and item you wish to return. We will send you the shipping address.
  2. Pack the item with the same box when you received it or with your own box.
  3. Affix the shipping address to the outside of the box.
  4. Leave the package for your mail carrier to pick up, or take it to a post office or courier service centre.
  5. A shipment tracking number must be provided for us to proceed with a replacement product or refund

Have any other questions? Please feel free to reach out to

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